Tuesday, November 5, 2019

My Online Presence

Image result for online privacy

After speaking about privacy laws of online companies in class, I panicked about how much of my information was out there for anyone to see. However, I did a little research on myself and the minimal information that I found reassured me. 

results for searching my full name

When a googled different forms of my name (first and last, full name, nickname) I found different information but very little of it linked to me. My LinkedIn account was the first thing available but my Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter accounts never even appeared. Only two old pictures from a previous twitter account popped up when I searched my first and last name. The most invasive thing I found was my name on the HPU roster for the rowing team, which only listed my home state. 

Image result for online privacy

I am aware of the extensive amount of social media, shopping, and other accounts that I have online. To protect my privacy, I use nicknames or wrong information for most accounts. However, I could take these precautions one step further by clearing my cookies, throughly reading Terms of Use Agreements, and logging out of unused accounts. 

While I do not have a lot of personal information on the web, corporations such as Facebook and Google have likely collected some data on me that I would not like them to exploit. This has been a wakeup call for me to be more careful about what I post and share online. 
Image result for online privacy

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