Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Confirmation Bias

The Basics of Confirmation Bias


Who: doctors, politicians, jurors, anyone and everyone
Whatthe tendency to process information by looking for, or interpreting, information that is consistent with one’s existing beliefs (from Britannica)
Where: news, social media, politics, everywhere
When: since humans started sharing information to present day
Whyto protect their core personal beliefs, self-esteem, reputation as an intelligent person
How: ignoring or disregarding evidence against personal beliefs to focus on the supportive evidence

The Effects of Confirmation Bias

Image result for confirmation bias

This bias is dangerous because it leads people to ignore or disregard important evidence. This ignorance could cause major harm to people, the economy, the environment, or other things.

the cause and effect train:

confirmation bias   polarizes people with different opinions 
                              because each side refuses to see merit in the other's argument 
polarization  encourages a culture lacking empathy and encouraging fighting

unempathetic culture tension between groups increases 
                                          old vs. young,  rich vs. poor, male vs. female, gay vs. straight,       
                                          majority vs. minority


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