Friday, September 6, 2019

The Evolution of The US Supreme Court

“The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Court.”
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-The Constitution

The year is 1789. George Washington is President of the United States. Congress uses their Constitutional right to determine how the Supreme Court will be organized. The Legislative Branch passes the Judiciary Act of 1789, stating that six judges will make up the Supreme Court until they retire or pass away. Throughout the years, congress changes the number of judges in the Court various times. The current amount, nine, has been set for 150 years.
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Trump's Supreme Court Justices

On August 3, 1791 the Supreme Court judged their first trial. It was an unexceptional financial case involving a farmer in debt. For the next century, the justices had to attend two circuit courts each year, due to the laboriousness of travel in that time. Since then, the amount of cases the Supreme Court holds per year has increased to 75-85.
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To decide which cases the Supreme Court accepts, the justices use the "Rule of Four." Four of the nine judges must believe the case has value. They assign this value bases on how the case will affect the entire country, instead of just the involved individuals. When taking on a such an impactful case, the Supreme Court sets a model that the lower courts must imitate. This precedent ensures that all people, independent of where they live, are judged equally and fairly. As the chief federal court in the United States, the Supreme Court plays a huge role in the lives of Americans, whether they realize it or not.

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