Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Blame Game

An army of drones attacked Saudi Arabia's oil facilities on Saturday, September 14th, 2019. Because Saudi Arabia is the world's largest oil exporter, oil prices have sky-rocketed and Saudi Arabia's economy is under immense pressure. 
Image result for bomb drones saudi arabia
After the bombs exploded

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photo source

Yemen’s Houthi movement took responsibility
for this assault but the U.S. chose to ignore theirconfession. Instead, the United States government officials  pushed the Saudi Arabian government to blame Iran for the attack. In the end, the Saudi's accused Iran, to entice them into going to war and because the U.S. advised them to take this action. Responding to the harsh accusations, Iran denies involvement in the raid. 

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Despite having a strong military, Saudi Arabia seems totally unprepared to defend themselves against the drone attacks. Pushing for U.S. military involvement, President Donald Trump and other U.S. government officials announced the U.S.'s readiness to retaliate against Iran, possibly instigating war. 

While it is possible that Iran performed the attack, the U.S.'s eagerness to throw blame, when Yemen has already taken responsibility, raises suspicion.  In this situation, American's must ask several  difficult questions, which have answers they probably do not want to hear.

Why does President Trump want to go to war so badly?
Why did the U.S. and Saudi Arabia's governments choose Iran to blame? 
Why are the U.S. government officials eager to get involved in the tension of the Middle East?

Image result for US war saudi arabia
Image result for mark esper

While we should assist our allies and countries that need military aid, we should not toss blame onto other countries to intensify tensions and start a war. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper claims the U.S. is only trying to "defend the international order” and promote peace but it seems they are antagonizing issues between countries and pushing to go to war with them.


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