Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Do I Have A Cell Phone Addicition?!?

Cell phone use in 2019:

  • We have cell phones with us for roughly 16 hours a day
  • On average, we check them 150 times per day
  • 68% of us have them next to us while we sleep
  • Each person sends on average 763 text messages per month
  • 90% of texts are read within 3 minutes of receiving them

I was glancing through a list of statistics about the average cellphone use in recent years and all I could think was, 

"these stats seem really low... I definitely send more than 763 texts each month and unlock my phone more than 80 times each day"

This revelation raised the question, "am I addicted to my phone??"

So naturally, I reached for my phone to ask my friends if they feel the same way. Here are the results:

After reviewing the mixed results, I realized that most of my friends probably are addicted to their phones to some degree. While this sounds really bad, I believe that, as the world changes, humans must adapt and change with it. This technology is the main form of communication in today's world and there is nothing wrong with taking advantage of it. 

I acknowledge their are definitely dangers and issues to be wary of, such as texting and driving or being absorbed in one's phone while surrounded by friends or family. However, I believe that most people can find a good balance between cell phone use and in-person interactions.

Although I prefer to have my phone with me at all times, I know I can put it away and not use it if a situation requires it. Most people in my generation have this same mindset when it comes to their phones.

Looking at the statistics above, the growing addictions to cell phone use seem scary, but most people are aware of the issues and are able to use self-control. 

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