Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Value of Tolerance

The   Image result for 8 values of free expressionValues of Free Expression are important ideas that demonstrate the importance of free speech. They values consist of 
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Marketplace of Ideas
Participation in Self-Government
Stable Change
Individual Self-Fulfillment
Check on Governmental Power
Promote Tolerance
Promote Innovation
Protect Dissent

In my opinion, the promotion of tolerance is one of the most significant value because it assists people in living in harmony with others.

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The right of free speech allows us to say what we want without they fear of our government preventing us. However, there are some limitations placed on us by society and our culture that discourage us from say certain words and phrases. These social restrictions vary bases on personal beliefs, location, and upbringing. Due to the variances of social norms, we may feel uncomfortable or unsure around people who say things that we believe should not be said. Usually, we cannot prevent them for saying these things because we believe everyone should have free speech. Our only choice is to learn to tolerate the person and their speech. 

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While we may not agree on which words and phrases should be avoided, we learn to agree to disagree out of respect for the other person's right to their own opinion. This toleration of other's who hold different beliefs than us, carry over into other aspects of our lives. When we accept those who are dissimilar to us, we create a more tolerable, understand, and therefore, peaceful society. 

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